RA Poll: Top DJs of 2012

ra top 100

Your favourite DJs of the year.

The Resident Advisor Top DJ poll is our annual chance to give RA readers a voice. Voted by registered members of the site, the list puts a global spin on something otherwise personal: your favourite DJ(s). The rules became a little tighter this time around. Selections were restricted to DJs listed in each user’s 2012 event diary, limiting voters to their best experiences this year rather than all-time.

There have been a number of shake-ups as a result. There is a new #1, and a prominent top 20 debut for one of the year’s fastest-rising stars. Some jocks landed considerably higher while others went down a few notches, as newcomers rubbed elbows with the established old guard. So read on (if you haven’t already scrolled to the bottom):
Here’s 2012’s top DJs as chosen by you.

Check Out the Top 100 DJs of 2012 HERE